Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sony determines what next gen is.

We are now in the seventh generation of gaming consoles. What does this mean? What is next gen gaming? The Wii, X-Box 360 and the PS3 are all considered next generation systems. In my opinion, the only console I truly consider next gen is the PS3.

The Wii and the 360 aren’t that much better than their predecessors. The 360 is just an HD version of the X-Box with better components. It has a better graphics card, processor, and an improved online service. You can buy its hardware off the shelves. If you update your computer’s hardware, is your computer going to the next generation? You would also think something that is in next generation would be considered a better working technology then the last. X-Box didn’t have a 34% failure rate like the 360 does.

The Wii has more functionality then the Gamecube with its internet connectivity. It adds more motion control to the game play too, and that’s about it. Graphically its better but it isn’t considered HD, which is the “next generation” of entertainment. The Wii however does change how you play your games. Not quite there, but still closer then the 360. You can say that both systems are in the next generation in their line of consoles, but not in the video game industry.

The PS3 introduces breakthrough technologies to gaming. It has a new data format (Blu Ray), wireless technology (Blu Tooth), and a new processor (Cell). It is truly a media center which in my opinion is the next step that consoles was destined to take. The PS3 doesn’t just move past the last system, it leaps forward.

Sony determines the next generation because their systems have brought something new to the table and raised the bar for its competitors. The Blu Ray and the Cell processor makes it possible for developers to make games that are huge in scoop. The only hurdle is that the developers in general have to learn how to develop for it. Insomniac and Naughty Dog are two examples of studios that are learning what the PS3 can do, and are exploiting it. Imagine the games they will make in a few years.

Entering the next generation means that you advanced your craft and others have to follow suit. If you think about it, all of Sony’s innovations will sooner or later become the norm. The PS3 will have games that can't be developed on a Wii or a 360. MGS4 is a perfect example with the upcoming online game MAG. Don’t fool ourselves; it is all about the games. That makes the PS3 a next generation console and sooner or later the other consoles will be too.

Article posted by DCI


Unknown said...

See part of the problem is you assume that HD is not next generation, and also glossing over the other features.

If the Wii's motion controls, interface, and games are not next generation then I don't know what is. Even the "all mighty" Will Wright considers the Wii the only true next generation console. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The 360 provided a marketplace (which the PS3 implemented later), a new way to play games (achievement system, which the PS3 later implemented), improved CPU and graphics, etc etc.

Graphics are not the only important aspect to gaming. It is evident from your blog (Heavey Rain praising before the game even hits) that you are drinking the PS3 koolaid. Why not just appreciate what each console brings to the table and not try to force the others to the kids table.

If anything, the only innovation the PS3 brought was BluRay. The Cell was more frustration than innovation and I have yet to see how it will and or can revolutionize the video game horizon.

Unknown said...

Oh yes, Blue (notice the 'e') Tooth is not breakthrough. It has been around years before the PS3 dropped.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You have very valid points Ryan and thanks for commenting. We are going to bring this up on our podcast which should be out on saturday and I will be able to fully explain the intent of this article.

Thanks again

mbeacom said...

The PS3 has a lot of great features but let's face it. The games play just the same as they did last gen. The PS3 is a cool console and very handy as a blue ray player, but without much change in the gameplay, it's not a big improvement. All 3 consoles are "next gen" but in my opinion the only TRULY next gen system is the Wii. It completely redefines gameplay and what type of person might be considered a "gamer". You can't get more "next gen" than that.

Anonymous said...

judging by your spelling and dismissing the 360 as a "xbox 1 with an upgrade or 2" shows the danger of letting misinformed idiot fanboys have their own blog. And no, a podcast won't explain it better, it'll just prove that you're a rabid sony fanboy.
do yourself a favor and delete your blog and find a new job. Thanks!

Edgar Harris said...

Wow that's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever read. Cell hasn't proven it's any better than the Xbox 360's 3 G5 cores combined with its ATI graphics card. You can buy the 360's components off a shelf? I'm calling bullshit on that too. The XBox 360 sports a specialized G5 processor that isn't available anywhere else. You should also note that the PS3's cell processor is available by IBM off the shelf for its blade servers, and its Nvidia graphics card is also available off the shelf. Thus far the XBox 360 has demonstrated that it can compete with the PS3 on the graphics front; in fact it's still debatable as to which console is more powerful. If the PS3 is truly the "leap forward" you claim it to be this wouldn't be a debate, the PS3 would clearly be the more powerful system. The 360 is not just an HD XBox either. The 360 is capable of much higher poly counts, but more importantly is sports the best shaders and fill rates for this generation of consoles, and shaders have a great impact on quality graphics than anything else. The fact remains that cell is still an unproven technology that has yet to truly demonstrate it is more powerful the Xbox 360's more traditional processors.

Anonymous said...

This is easily the stupidest thing I've ever read. And these are the reasons why:

Hardware generations are defined by...generations of hardware. Nothing is more or less 'next gen' than another. By your scale, the ps2 was last gen by last gen's standards, since both competing consoles were more powerful and more economical.

But in regards to your specific comments.

No you can't buy 360 components off the shelves. Most of the system is custom made. The ps3 on the otherhand uses quite a few standard components, like the hyper faulty bluetooth that randomly desynks your controllers, and the antiquated nvdia graphics card that had to be shoehorned in at the last minute.

Bluray is not a breakthrough. It is a linear progression. once you have the basic tech of putting data on disc, figuring out how to put MORE isn't hard. There are like 4 other formats that have more storage than bluray. Bluray is just the only one to be promoted for consumer use. Blutooth is not new or revolutionary and it is a dying tech. This is just typical fanboy bullshit to claim blutooth as some amazing tech that only the ps3 has. The wii uses bluetooth. And the gamecube was the first console to really make wireless work. The 360 was the second. The ps3 is barely on the list. The 360 has a media centre built in and did so from day one. The ps3 still doens't have a unified online system, still doesn't have custom soundtracks, or party setting or half the shit the 360 has.

Anybody with understanding of how the systems work has said the 360 and ps3 are essentially equal. And don't talk about MAG. look up huxley. A game like that has been in development for the 360 for a couple of years.

Jesus you are a retard.

kangarookid said...

i agree that all the current systems are next-gen, and each for their own contribution... i wonder, if hd-dvd beat out blue ray, would you be praising the 360 as the only "true" next-gen system? i find that highly unlikely... and blue tooth is way too old to even be considered next-gen... i may not be as tech savvy is most people who are commenting, but i at least that much... and i personally haven't seen anything, graphics wise, that makes the ps3 stand above the 360...

DDOG said...

great article man! need to save your site on my files. well written and researched.

Unknown said...

huge in scoop WTF you assume u can buy the 360s processor in stores where as u can with the ps3 with ibm servers so that point sucks. Your article is very one sided obviously a ps fanboy as you completly forget about the 360 advantages and mearly try to degrade it

jbrosan said...

Well, I think you are partially on target here.

While, I'll admit to being a Sony fan, I am not a "fanboi", I am a pragmatist however.

Each, console has brought something next-gen to the table. Who would have thought that the Wii, would have such cool controls? The 360, tried to hit a sweet spot with advanced tech under the hood while using off the shelf DVD format. The PS3 brought the Cell, and Blu-Ray.

While I really enjoy the games on my PS3 and Wii, I had to replace my 360 three times. Had it not been for this fact, I probably would not have sold it off. The games for the 360 are really good, as are games for the other consoles.

Again, each brought something new and different to market. If you look at the sales numbers this is reflected.

Obviously, if the PS3 wasn't that great, it would not be doing as well as it is and would have faded into obscurity. It is catching up to the 360, but at a slow rate. I really don't think it will ever catch the Wii.

If the 360 had reliable hardware I think it would have been a bit more of a runaway success.

With that said, game studios are still figuring our exactly what they can do with the Cell processor.

The issue Sony has is that the hardware guys made the coolest mixup of hardware they could without consulting the software engineers and developers. A major faux-paux.

All in all, I am really happy with my PS3, I just wish they would pump out more RPGs for it.

Unknown said...


Ryan again. I look forward to it. The blog doesn't seem half back and I'll follow along in the discussion.

See you then.